A Focused Mind
The ADHD Specialty Clinic of Dr. Lauren Kacir, M.D.
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Remember, your successes occur because you have taken steps to overcome the symptoms of ADHD. Dr. Kacir's job is to explain how and why they have occurred and to prescribe the right treatment for you. It can sometimes take several trials of medication to find the right one, but 80% of people respond to the first stimulant they try!
Either with or without medications, ADHD coaching can be an additional boost to ADHD treatment. Dr. Kacir will provide this coaching on a monthly basis.
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to call (512) 940-9805. You can also send an email to Dr. Kacir at lbkacirmd@gmail.com. If she doesn't respond immediately, she will get back to you as soon as she can.
As always, contact your regular doctor with any urgent health problems.