A Focused Mind
The ADHD Specialty Clinic of Dr. Lauren Kacir, M.D.
Let's get focused!
Directions to the office:
Dr Kacir maintains an office for consultation in the Wind River Executive Suites in North Austin. There, she meets with patients and their families to diagnose, evaluate and treat ADHD. Dr. Kacir will handle all aspects of ADHD care personally. In-person visits are necessary every 3-6 months while on medications to ensure that blood pressure, weight and health status are stable.
11615 Angus Rd. Ste.104-S
Austin, TX 78759
The office can best be reached from Highway 183 in Austin. Take the Duval exit 1 block East to Angus Road. Follow Angus Road to Wind River Road (the fifth left turn). Turn left and enter the parking lot on your left. Park anywhere near the mailboxes.
The entrance to Suite 104 is between Suite 119 and 120. We do know how to count, but Suite 104 is a big central space with 3 entrances. The one near the mailboxes is closest Dr. Kacir's office, Suite 104-S. You will go through the outer door, then an inner door, and proceed to the last door on the corridor to your right.
Mapping programs may send you to The ADHD Place when prompted with Dr. Kacir's name. The ADHD Place closed in 2008. All attempts to correct this problem have thus far been unsuccessful.
(The ADHD Place was located on the other side of 183, one exit north)