A Focused Mind
The ADHD Specialty Clinic of Dr. Lauren Kacir, M.D.
Let's get focused!
ADHD Evaluation: Not just a score on a symptom list
Dr. Lauren B. Kacir is the physician-proprietor of A Focused Mind. She began diagnosing and treating children with ADHD as a general pediatrician in the 1990s and followed them all through their teens. Diagnosis always began with analysis of behavior from at least two different observers in at least two different settings. It also includes an in-person visit, a physical exam, and a discussion about ADHD symptoms and their effect on productivity.Starting in 2004, she had to turn away referred adults from the pediatric clinic where she worked. In 2009, she opened her own clinic and she sees patients of all ages.
ADHD Medications: Not just Ritalin any more
ADHD Medications: Not just Ritalin any more
ADHD Therapy: Never just a bottle of pills
Medications alone will not treat the impairments resulting from ADHD. Dr. Kacir and her patients combine medication, behavior change, and environmental modification into success and productivity. While improvements often occur without medication or a different environment, behavior change is a necessity. Dr. Kacir's favorite role is that of coach to ADHD players in the game of life.
A Focused Mind offers:
- clear explanations of the way human brains pay attention
- medical expertise about diagnosing and treating ADHD
- professional physician consultation tailored to expressed needs and desires
- full evaluation of ADHD and related functional impairment
- discussion of alternatives to medication when desired
- regular meetings for ADHD coaching when desired (with or without medications)
- discussion of recommendations from other medical professionals when desired
A Focused Mind is the ADHD specialty practice of Dr. Lauren Buxbaum Kacir, MD.
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